Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Proof that Sunscreen Works=Unhappy Peter
Since Peter has been shaving his head, he's been pretty good about wearing a hat in the sun. However, when he went out to mow yesterday in 90+ degree heat, I pleaded for him to wear sunscreen (since he was going to mow without a shirt on). So, I told him I would get his back. We have two bottles of sunscreen in the house: 70 SPF Kids and 70 SPF Baby. I used the kids on him, and I guess it works really, really well! Oh, and I guess I only did his sholders and back. Sorry Babe!
PS-Peter does not find this funny, while I almost peed from laughing so hard!
PS-Peter does not find this funny, while I almost peed from laughing so hard!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Happy Mother's Day 2011
I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year. I do every year. This year we stayed home (we thought about going to Iowa to visit Nana, but the girls had birthday parties on Saturday). My celebration began on Friday at Katie's Kindergarten class for a "Mother's Day/Kindergarten Tea."
Katie with her BFF, Cassandra
(Katie read "Some mommies like to read to you" because her and I tend to read together at night before bed).
And then we enjoyed some chocolate-chip & berry pancakes, followed by some time outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather and fly kites.
Charlie hung outside with me in his megasaucer while I planted flowers
Rowe LOVED smelling all the flowers and telling us the colors!

Katie with her BFF, Cassandra
Katie with her Kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Woodin
Her class sang songs, read us a book, and served us juice and cookies.(Katie read "Some mommies like to read to you" because her and I tend to read together at night before bed).
I also got a wonderful gift, which, of course, made me cry.
On Saturday the girls spent the day at birthday parties with lots of their friends. Peter and I watched some TV and cleaned our bedroom. Some might not think that is fun, but it is SO nice to have it cleaned out. It tends to be our "catch-all" for when we clean.
On Sunday, Peter got up with Rowe. I got up to feed Charlie and then went right back to bed. Then, I woke up around 8:45 when Delaney came into the room to tell me "Happy Mother's Day. Don't go downstairs." Well, when I was sleeping, I wasn't planning on it...Delaney read to me to keep me in bed, then Kate came up and told me it was time. I came down to these beautiful flowers:
And then we enjoyed some chocolate-chip & berry pancakes, followed by some time outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather and fly kites.
Then, I was showered with wonderful gifts...two books (one being a soup cookbook) and two tv show dvds. After that, I went to Home Depot ALONE to shop for flowers for our front porch pots. Katie told me, "Mom, it's Mother's Day. You shouldn't have to go shopping. Stay home and relax and have Daddy go." To that my response was, "That is exactly why I'm going shopping alone!" It was wonderful to walk among all those flowers and plants in the warm sun and take my time. I got home with this loot:
And then we had lunch, I planted flowers while Peter planted the veggie garden. The girls had dinner (Peter and I had such a big and late lunch we didn't eat) and then walked over to our fave ice cream place: Sunny Delights! It was a wonderful day! THANK YOU!!!
Charlie hung outside with me in his megasaucer while I planted flowers
Rowe LOVED smelling all the flowers and telling us the colors!
The front porch with planted pots, jade plant, and washed chairs...can't wait for wine nights and reading!
And, although late, I'd like to say: Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers, mothers to be, mothers whose motherhood was cut short, and those longing to be called mom. Being a mother is a special gift; difficult but rewarding work!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Professional Photos
Five Months of Charlie
So, I really can't say there is much to report on our little guy...other than he's little, cute, quiet, and sweet.
He doesn't really have a routine down yet of a specific nap. He naps here and there, sometimes napping for over two hours, sometimes for only 20 minutes. He tends to take 2 big naps in a day, and a few small ones as well. He is sleeping well at night, usually down around 8 or so and getting up about 6:30am. He still sleeps in the pack-n-play in the family room. I feel like him and Rowe will disturb one another too early for my waking preference. This is how I found Charlie sleeping last night...

He isn't able to sit unsupported yet nor is he rolling over. Oh bite your tongue, milestone age freaks. He's fine. Doc checked him at 4 months and isn't worried. He's smiling, makes great eye contact and is happy. He just isn't motivated to get anywhere, as he's content no matter what. I'm honestly not worried, nor am I in any hurry for him to grow up, get older, or reach the next milestone. He's my last, and I'm willing for this to go as slow as possible. He loves to hold things in his hands and bring them to his mouth. He reaches for toys and tracks things very well. He recently discovered his feet; he likes to hold onto them, but has yet to put them to his mouth. He loves his megasaucer, which we just got out the past week. He is also still a fan of the bouncy seat and swing, although we definitely don't use those as much (and soon they will be heading to Michigan to "George").
He's so super smiley. And very quiet. He rarely cries and when he does it's usually because he's tired and can't get comfy to fall asleep. He's very loved by his sisters, and because of that, he rarely gets tummy time, or just time to chill on the floor.
Four Months:

He doesn't really have a routine down yet of a specific nap. He naps here and there, sometimes napping for over two hours, sometimes for only 20 minutes. He tends to take 2 big naps in a day, and a few small ones as well. He is sleeping well at night, usually down around 8 or so and getting up about 6:30am. He still sleeps in the pack-n-play in the family room. I feel like him and Rowe will disturb one another too early for my waking preference. This is how I found Charlie sleeping last night...
He isn't able to sit unsupported yet nor is he rolling over. Oh bite your tongue, milestone age freaks. He's fine. Doc checked him at 4 months and isn't worried. He's smiling, makes great eye contact and is happy. He just isn't motivated to get anywhere, as he's content no matter what. I'm honestly not worried, nor am I in any hurry for him to grow up, get older, or reach the next milestone. He's my last, and I'm willing for this to go as slow as possible. He loves to hold things in his hands and bring them to his mouth. He reaches for toys and tracks things very well. He recently discovered his feet; he likes to hold onto them, but has yet to put them to his mouth. He loves his megasaucer, which we just got out the past week. He is also still a fan of the bouncy seat and swing, although we definitely don't use those as much (and soon they will be heading to Michigan to "George").
He doesn't have any teeth yet. But MAN does he drool! I keep thinking he's teething, but then nothing happens. He just likes to drool.
We're feeding him solids, but only once a day, and he nurses about every three to six hours. We're just about through the veggies and next it's on to fruit. He eats well and hasn't had any reactions to anything (not that we expect him to).
He's so super smiley. And very quiet. He rarely cries and when he does it's usually because he's tired and can't get comfy to fall asleep. He's very loved by his sisters, and because of that, he rarely gets tummy time, or just time to chill on the floor.
Here are pics of Charlie's first five months...
Birth: One Month:
Five Months:
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