Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Show and Tell

For Delaney's first full day at school on Tuesday the 11th, she was to participate in Show and Tell. She decided to bring her new Otter puppet that Uncle Brian bought her while at the aquarium in California.

She did wonderful... telling her classmates and teachers that Uncle Brian got her the puppet, that she saw them catch and eat fish, that she rode a train to get to California to visit Uncle Brian, and that it took a long time because Uncle Brian and California are 'far, far away.'


Unknown said...

You win this round, Brian...

bkridner said...

Ha Ha Ha...

Yes round one is mine! And you thought all those cars would put you in ththe lead...

At least you arn't in the rear with Dan ad Wes.

#1 Uncle
Uncle Bobby

bkridner said...
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