We'd like to announce the birth of the NEWEST Henderson Member...
FEBRUARY 25, 2009
1:48 p.m.
7 lbs, 15 oz.

Pete and I arrived at St. Joe's around 7:30. Our nurse was Maureen, and although a little chatty, she was very nice. After taking a while to get us all checked-in and to find Dr. Egan's orders, I got pitocin around 9:45. I felt the contractions immediately, but they weren't unbearable. Then, around 12:15, I felt a horrible, sharp pain, I stood up and my water broke. Then, it was all over! The pain was horrible and I asked for the epidural. They got it in around 12:35 or so, but it wasn't really taking. They had to give me 'push' of the meds, but still nothing. My feet and legs were super numb and heavy, but nothing really touched the pain. When I got the epidural, I was dilated to 3-4, and around 1, I was to 7, and the nurse called the doc. Pete said the nurse was a little frantic, nervous that the doc wouldn't get there in time. Doc got there around 1:20-1:30. I pushed for about 15 min or so, and she was out at 1:48.
FEBRUARY 25, 2009
1:48 p.m.
7 lbs, 15 oz.
Pete and I arrived at St. Joe's around 7:30. Our nurse was Maureen, and although a little chatty, she was very nice. After taking a while to get us all checked-in and to find Dr. Egan's orders, I got pitocin around 9:45. I felt the contractions immediately, but they weren't unbearable. Then, around 12:15, I felt a horrible, sharp pain, I stood up and my water broke. Then, it was all over! The pain was horrible and I asked for the epidural. They got it in around 12:35 or so, but it wasn't really taking. They had to give me 'push' of the meds, but still nothing. My feet and legs were super numb and heavy, but nothing really touched the pain. When I got the epidural, I was dilated to 3-4, and around 1, I was to 7, and the nurse called the doc. Pete said the nurse was a little frantic, nervous that the doc wouldn't get there in time. Doc got there around 1:20-1:30. I pushed for about 15 min or so, and she was out at 1:48.
Grammie brought Delaney and Katie to visit around 4 p.m. When Delaney heard the news that she had another sister, she was a little upset. However, once walking into the hospital room and seeing Rowe, she fell in love. She was very sweet with her, as was Katie. Both were very gentle and enjoyed giving her kisses. They also loved showing off their gifts that Grammie helped them buy for their new sister. Poppy came to visit around 4:30 and got to hold his newest granddaughter.
Rowe got her first bath around 5:30, and it was the most she cried since she was born. She's a pretty quiet baby (so far...). After her bath she had to stay under the warming lights for an hour. She was so alert, quiet, and just hanging out. She finally fell asleep and had herself a good nap. She's nursing well, and really likes to suck. She's a big fan of her paci.
I saw my doc this morning, and he was going to keep us until tomorrow, but my charm and butt-kissing abilities worked and he gave discharge orders for today (whew-because I slept HORRIBLY at the hospital). One of the docs from Dr. Paul's office came in to see Rowe, and also gave us the okay once she was 24 hours, as long as we made an appointment to see the doc again tomorrow at the office. So-around 5:30, Pete and myself brought home Rowe. The girls were VERY excited to have her home. They were quick to show Rowe the house, her room, their room, and the basement (which Delaney had cleaned). Katie has been so adorably helpful, and both girls love holding her and touching her.
We're all doing well, are home and happy...