Monday, February 2, 2009

Birl Update--Today's Appointment

Since I'm now at 36 weeks, internal exams have started. The baby is looking great, growing (too) well, and since I've made it into February, the docs don't care when I go into labor! Birl has been quite stubborn at the doc office the past 2 weeks. He/she has been so active during the ultrasounds, that the tech is laughing while trying to measure baby and fluid because it's been a challenge. Then, during the NST's when they want the baby to move, he/she isn't! They even use this little vibration/tickle device against my abdomen to 'jolt' or wake up the baby...So, Birl obliges and will give one swift movement, and then go right back to sleep! ahhah. Today they tried 3 times, and still no success. The doc says as long as I'm feeling the baby move regularily, then it's fine.

This week's stats...
Birl's heartrate-around 130-140 bpm
Birl's weight-6 lbs, 10 oz (the exact weight of Delaney at birth)
My weight gain-25 lbs

Doc thinks he'll see me one more time (next Monday) and then is predicting labor sometime next week. He did mention that if I'm feeling any sort of contraction to NOT go to it is a 45 minute drive to the hospital in which I deliver. I'm hoping to make it through this week (which I'm sure I will) because I have obligations every night, including Saturday at school...


Patty said...

My perdiction is a Valentine's Baby Boy!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Patty...even though we're sharing a due date, I think this little guy (it's a boy) is gonna decide mid-next week that it's time to rock. You better text me!