Monday, May 4th was Rowena's 2 month check-up (although she's about 1 1/2 weeks past that). She's looking great! She's growing well-75% on all three accounts--weight, length, and head. She's weighing in at 12 lbs, 1 oz., is 22 3/4" in length, and head measures at 39 1/2 cm. She has great leg strength, wonderful eye contact, responds well to voices, smiles a lot, and the doc thinks she's close to rolling over. She got four shots and screamed her head off. It was cute, but then again at the same time, I've never heard that cry before. It was sad! :( She ended up having a pretty rough day. Luckily Pete and I were both home. He got a lot of work done around the house (mowing and putting up new blinds) as well as making lunch for everyone and tending to Delaney and Katie when necessary. That was good, because I spent a lot of my day dancing and bouncing Rowe. For most of the day she was either crying, eating, or sleeping. It wasn't until later in the evening that she became happy again. And, she did okay sleeping 10pm-5:30am.
She's quite a bit bigger than either Delaney or Katie at 2 months, so it's weird to have a "big" baby after those two! She's already out of most of her 0-3 month clothes. I can't believe it! I have most of it put away already and the 3-6 month clothes washed and ready to wear.
She's coo'ing a lot, smiling constantly, and is a very happy baby. She eats about every 3 hours and sleeps on/off throughout the day (no real consistent naps yet), and she's sleeping through the night (from about 8:30pm-7:00am).

So adorable! What a pretty girl!
She certainly favors the Kridner side of the family.
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