On Wednesday, Delaney woke up coughing and saying she didn't feel very good. All three girls have sounded pretty rough and were all getting nebulizer treatments for a few days. By the time Delaney left for school, her eyes were kinda of puffy and red. I chalked it up to allergies, but told her if she felt really sick to call me from the nurses office. She gets on the bus, Katie goes to her last day of preschool, and Rowena goes down for a nap. I get a call from Grand Prairie, and I wake up Rowena to pick up Delaney from school (first time she'd ever been to the nurse). She was complaining of a sore throat, stomach ache, and headache and she was sneezing like crazy. Oh, and her temperature was 100. So, I get her home and have her relax and she continually gets worse...I call the doctor and they said to bring her in because allergies don't cause fevers, and with her complaints/symptoms, they want to make sure it wasn't Strep. She has the start of bronchitis, a possible virus, and isn't allowed to go to school Thursday. UGH! This also means no dance for Delaney on Wednesday or Thursday.

I knew Delaney was very sick because she could barely lift her head up and never once asked to play video games! She laid on the big chair or in our bed from about 2-8pm. She didn't even go with us or get upset about not going to visit Uncle Brian (aka Uncle Teddy Bear) at Grammie and Poppy's!
Uncle Brian breaking the ice by offering candy to Rowe
Katie was in HEAVEN with Uncle Teddy Bear visiting!
Kisses for Uncle Brian

Thursday she woke up with a bit more energy, and we went to Katie's dance class, where she got her costume (SO CUTE). We also picked up Delaney's jazz and ballet costumes--also very cute!
Then about 6 or so, after Peter got home and picked up the dry cleaning, he packed up the car and off we went--to Litchfield, about a 3 1/2 hour drive from home. We had dinner (McDonald's) in the car and drove half the drive in pouring rain. We got there around 9:30 or so, and Kate was passed out. She didn't even wake up to Teddy Bear taking her to bed. Delaney and Rowe were up for a while, excited for the hotel and seeing their uncles and Grammie and Poppy.
Delaney was so tired, but couldn't leave Charming's side!
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