Peter and I recently decided to make the switch from sposies (disposable diapers) to cloth diapers. I'm super excited about it. I wanted to begin when Rowena was born, but Peter wasn't on board. Because we're trying to cut some of our finances, we thought this might be one good way. Over the next year (figuring she'll be potty trained in about 12 months), we will save over $600...if I can curb my possible cloth diaper addiction! There are SO many cute ones out there! I just entered a contest to win a stars&stripes one...SUPER cute for the 4th of July! Here are some pictures of my "fluff" stash: Green Mountain Diapers prefolds and Thirsties covers and BumGenius 3.0's, as well as a couple pictures of Rowena sporting prefolds and Thirsties covers. We have four BG-AIOs (all-in-ones) on the way, and we are set!

I love the diapers! I have always wanted to get them too! But I didn't think the expense of them was worth it... I do use wash cloths as wipes though... that's my part! I can't wait to hear how it goes! Are you getting mostly large size?
Sorry the double post! I didn't think the first one when through... ;P
It's TOTALLY worth it! I spent about $300 and I'm done with needing any diapers for Rowena! I will email you details...but most of what I purchased will fit from about 10 lbs-potty training. The only thing I would needed extra if starting smaller/younger--more/smaller prefolds. And, the $300 will be paid off in less than 6 months of using "sposies."
another satisfied customer!
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