I digress...
So far I have gained about nine pounds. Not too bad, but there is still plenty of time to pack on some pounds! And, some of that time will be over Thanksgiving. When I was pregnant with Delaney, I gained SEVEN pounds in one week over Thanksgiving! Yikes. Luckily when I went back the next week, I had lost five.
I am sad that I only have fourteen weeks left. The first trimester always seems to drag; I have no energy, fall asleep within hours of waking up...and after that-BAM! Time just flies by.
I have been experiencing some pretty significant heartburn...as bad as I had it with Delaney, which makes me wonder if this baby will have a lot of dark hair too. I've been relying on ginger ale, ice cream, and gummy bears to help subside the burning sensation. Not sure if it reallly works, or if those are just my vices.
I love feeling the little one move all over the place, kicking and punching and swimming around. In fact, this morning I didn't want to get out of bed because I wanted to just lay there and continue to feel the movement. I'm trying to get the girls to feel it, but it usually happens after they are in bed at night and before they get up in the morning. I remember Delaney continually tried to feel Rowena move and she was bratty and would stop as soon as Delaney's hand touched my belly.
Ah, I love being pregnant! And, am grateful for no complications!!!
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