Since Delaney couldn't be in two classes, she opted for a combo class of Ballet and Jazz. Her class meets on Wednesday nights and she has Miss Emily for the fourth year. Last year she had a new teacher for Ballet I, but still had Miss Emily for Jazz. Her class is pretty big, and there are a couple familiar faces. Her class will be performing to "Material Girl" by Madonna and they will be wearing this (in pink):
Katie chose ballet, and Miss Emily moved her up to Ballet I, even though the age for that class is 6+. She's been dancing since she was 2 and even performed her first recital at 2 years old, so Miss Emily figured she was ready to move up from the class she was in the past two years. This is Katie's first time not having Miss Emily and she was pretty nervous for her first class last Tuesday. Thankfully Miss Kaylah is funny and nice. Katie left class last week very happy and excited to be back in dance. Katie will be performing her ballet routine to "Rose" by Bette Midler in this (with the long skirt):
If things pick up by next January, and I sure hope they do...we could have Delaney in two performances, Katie in two performances, and Rowena in her first recital. Holy Crap...that's a lot of performances!! (I love it). We'll be giving Miss Emily a run for her money in getting all five of our shows in the same recital (DanceQuest does two separate recitals where they perform in only one show in order to allow participants' family members enough space to all have a seat to watch at the show). I canno believe Rowena will be old enough to begin dance next winter. While I realize that is an entire year from now, it's hard for me to believe she will be old enough, have the attention span, be able to listen and follow instructions (for 45 minutes), and big enough to be in ballet! Craziness! Rowe is in a parent-tot gymnastics class with me on Wednesday nights while Delaney is in dance. She really enjoyed her first class and I was proud at how she waited her turn to swing on the trapezee (and fall into the blocks) and jump along the run trampoline. I was proud of her.
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