Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Delaney's 3rd Grade Performance

Delaney had her 3rd grade performance tonight.  I am such a sap!  I cannot get through any of the kids events without crying.  I even get teary at their sporting events.  Dance recitals-watch out!  I think it's pride and also a bit of sadness that they are growing up so quickly and becoming such awesome, amazing people! 

Delaney was sick all last week and it took a lot out of her!  She lost over 4 pounds and did a lot of movie watching.  There were days she didn't even have energy.  Thankfully her fever finally broke and Delaney is back to her healthy self.

This performance screamed Choice Theory to me!  It was all about personal responsibility, external and internal control, making decisions, and always having choices.  I loved it!  And, as always, proud of Delaney!

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