Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursdays for the girls

Thursdays are a busy day for the Henderson Girls...The girls usually climb into bed with me between 6:30-7:30am. We slowly get up and get breakfast, and then before you know it...we're out the door for Katie's ballet and tap class. Delaney is dressed for school and she excitedly gets to bring a lunch with her and eat while Katie is in class. After that we usually stop at a store of some kind to browse and kill about 45 minutes between Katie's class and Delaney's school. After Delaney is at preschool, Kate is just about beyond ready for a nap, and ends up skipping lunch to climb into Mommy/Daddy's bed to fall asleep to "Wizard of Oz." After she gets up, we pick up Delaney and head to Grammie and Poppy's. Daddy is on-call, and I have class from about 4-10:30. They're always in bed, sleeping (at G&P's) by the time I get there. Each girl has their own 'cot' to sleep on, and I get a nice bed...all to myself. For some reason, those cots must not be comfortable enough...because just about every Friday morning...Kate wakes me up around 5:30/6am...gets me out of bed, drags me downstairs...and falls back asleep in her Poppy's chair. The little brat!

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