Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Awwww...It's Really Sweet, I Swear!

Pete and I took the girls up to the UP this past weekend (will blog about our trip in another post with pictures). Not sure if you have been there or not, but it is really beautiful up there! Lots of trees, hills, and Lake Superior. We always stay at my Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Joanne's gorgeous home. They have a good amount of land, surrounded by huge trees (some call it the woods, others call it a forest), a gorgeous garden, and well, it's just very picturesque!

Our last night there, Delaney and I are sitting on their front deck watching the dogs run around...and we have the following conversation:

Me: "Delaney, isn't it so beautiful out here? I would love to live here!"
Delaney: "Yeah. I hope they die soon."
Me: "Who?"
Delaney: "Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Jo"
Me: "Why would you want them to die?"
Delaney: "So we can live here. I really want to live here."

So, what do you think? Sweet or not? And, to add to this, she has the same conversation with Peter the next morning before we leave, stating, "I hope they die."

I swear, Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Jo--it really is a compliment! That's how much she loves the UP and your've done such a great job with your beautiful home and making us all feel so welcome.

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