Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Is That On Your Chin? Hmmm...Always Blame the Baby!

I had a really hard time titling this post. Last night we were at a friend's house for dinner, and Rowena was getting fussy. She was getting a bit hungry, but I was waiting until we came home to feed her. To help ease her fussiness and frustration, she was sucking on her thumb, my hand, arm, etc. Basically, anything she could get her mouth on. Well, stupid-ass mommy let her suck on her chin...and Rowena left her mark. I think she's laughing at me, saying to herself (think Stewie's voice from Family Guy): "God, Woman, don't you think? Did you think that sucking that hard on your chin that nothing would happen? That is what you get, woman, for making me wait, while you tall people sit around and talk nonsense."

1 comment:

Patty said...

Oh sure...blame it on Rowe. Come on Pete, you can do better than that!!