Thursday, November 12, 2009

There's Something About Uncle Wesley...Or Is It Leann?

Tuesday was Uncle Wesley's birthday--the last one in his 20's. In the morning I told the girls so they could get excited to call him and wish him a Happy Birthday...and this is the conversation we had.

Me: "Guess who's birthday it is today?"
Delaney: "Poppy's?"
Me: "No, but he's someone very special to you because he's your Godfather."
Delaney: "Charming. Uncle Wesley."
Me: "Yep!"
Katie: "I wish he was my Godfather."
Me: "Why? Katie you're so special you have TWO Godfathers! Uncle Brian and Uncle Joe."
Katie: "You mean Teddy Bear and Uncle Joe."
Me: "Yeah."
Katie: "But if Uncle Wesley was mine, then I would get Leann."


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