Saturday, July 9, 2011


After two and a half years, I have completed the requirements successfully to be certified in Choice Theory/Reality Therapy. So, now I am Amy Henderson, MA, LPC, NCC, CTRTC. Yeah, a lot of initials, not that much pay...ahhahahah. But, that's not why I did's more because it is really how I view things and something for which I have a lot of passion. This process is a five step process: Basic Intensive Week (completed in October 2008), Basic Practicum, Advanced Intensive Week (February/March 2010), Advanced Practicum, and finally: Certification Week. I had an amazing time with some wonderful people discussing the concepts and applying the techniques in various situations. I met great people and have decided to move forward with this and become an instructor of the Glasser Institute. This will, again, take time, which is something I am willing to invest.

Here is the awesome group:
And, my PIC, Barb:

And, my three instructors throughout the process:
And, Barb and I with the one and only, Dr. William Glasser (who developed Choice Theory) taken last summer at the International Conference in Tennesse:

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