- He's smiley
- He hates to be spoon-fed, and has refused baby food for months now
- He loves cheese
- Does better with a straw cup than a traditional sippy
- Loves his paci
- Is taking about 5-6 steps at a time, but definitely prefers crawling
- Likes to "break out" of the family room
- Is fast on the steps
- When he is proud, he claps for himself
- Loves music and dancing
- Screams, or screeches, when he wants more food or is mad
- Smiles and laughs at me when I try to teach him sign language
Charlie: One Day Charlie: One Year
He had his first birthday on Monday, and it was a pretty laidback first birthday. No big blowout party like we had for the older girls. In fact, we decided against a party. With money and time and having too much stuff as it is, we preferred a quiet, family-singing party. We celebrated on Thanksgiving with family: The HenderClan6, Grammie, Poppy, Uncle Wesley, Aunt Leann, Baby Izzy, GAP, Aunt Denise, Uncle Jim, Heather, Ron, Lidia, and Natalia. Between dinner and pie, we sang to Charlie. He enjoyed his smash cake.
Then had a bath.
Then opened his presents.
The boxes are ALWAYS more fun! When are parents going to learn--buy yourself big gifts, and give the boxes they come in to the kids???
Our finally PBK chair...
Mmmm! Wrapping paper!
Want some?
Hey! Look, Charlie is figuring out his chair! And...his shirt matches! :)