Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Friday Funday

School was out on Friday, so we made the most of it!  We spent the morning at The Salkas' home, having a nice playdate.  The kids played well, Linda and I enjoyed some coffee and a little bit of time to chit-chat, and Charlie took a nice nap.  We had a fun Easter egg hunt in the basement and then finished off the playdate with lunch.

Having cinnamon rolls for breakfast after a fun and very loud game of tag

 Sophie enjoyed singing and reading to Charlie
 They all had fun playing in the kitchen
Egg Hunt Time!

 Rowe had more fun picking up balls instead of eggs
 Now she's getting the hang of it...

 Checking out their loot
 Singing "Happy Birthday" to a stuffed dog they played with all morning
 Sophie and Rowe playing in the balls
 Time to relax with a movie before lunch
 Cass was so good with Charlie
 The playdate really wore Rowe out!
 Waiting for their capsules from the egg hunt to dissolve to discover what animals they got
Thanks Salkas Family!
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