Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

To all of  you in love, hoping for love, looking for love...Happy Valentine's Day!

Many of you know this is one of my least favorite holidays.  I love pink, red, and white.  I love hearts. I love flowers. I love people expressing their love for one another.  However, I don't like the idea that it is only done because there's a specific date on the calendar that says "Hey, let those around you know how truly special they are."  That been said, we celebrate it with our children, and while we don't exchange gifts, we still say the words associated with today.  Wanna know something?  Well, I'm going to tell you anyway.  I think I'm pretty damn lucky!  I have four amazing kids, a home I love, family that I love and appreciate, but most of all...I have a husband that I still get butterflies for!  Yep...this Friday will be 17 years since our first date, and he still gives me butterflies. 

For those that never see this side of us, here is our text exchange today:
Me: "Happy Valentine's Day!  I love you so very much and not a day goes by that I don't remind myself how very lucky I am that you chose me."
Him: "Happy Valentine's Day to you as well, love of my life." 

Oh, that did it!  I got all tingly and excited with butterflies.  Awww! xoxo

Like I said, we celebrate this more for the kids than with one another.
This is what the kids had for breakfast today: 1/2 banana, heart shaped cinnamon rolls, and a rose sucker (Charlie got M&Ms).

And how they were dressed for their parties last Friday (today they were dressed for the day as well, but, alas, the picture wasn't taken):

And here is Rowe doing a craft project for her Daddy that "he is just going to love this!"


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