Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What a BIG Boy!

I don't know what it is about a first hair cut, especially for a boy, but it's almost like they become a kid when they have it done.  It's a right of passage to childhood from babyhood.  Well, today we crossed that bridge with Charlie. almost 18 months old, he got his first haircut.

At first he seemed frightened...

...but he ended up being okay with it.

So, now his curls are gone. *insert sad face* However he looks super cute; like such a big boy. 

Here are some pictures from after his nap.  I think he's liking his new look...

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1 comment:

Donna said...

I love this!!!! he is so cute. Wow he is getting big fast!!

Now he will need me to trim his sideburns! lol