Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whoa! That was something...

I sat for my licensure exam on Saturday (April 17th), and let me tell you...HOLY HELL!!! That thing was HARD!!! I will admit I did not study like I had hoped. I was very focused on my two classes I was taking and the various deadlines for my work in those. So, I left myself very little time and focus for the NCE (National Counselor Exam). About half-way through I seriously contemplated just handing in my test. I already felt beyond defeated. The one thing that kept me in that seat for another 2 hours...the money. The test is $300. So, I continued through to the end, knowing some answers, making educated guesses on some, and also, and sadly, blindly guessing on many. WoW. It was really difficult. Afterward I felt defeated and completely drained. I went to lunch with my Ash and we talked about it...she felt as defeated and unsure as I did...and she studied. So, with that in mind, my heart and head eased a bit. I also talked to some friends that have already taken the exam, and no matter if they passed or did not, they said they all felt drained, defeated, and lost. Okay...feeling a little better. And now I just have to wait 8 (*insert sarcasm here*) SHORT weeks to find out my results. You know...because it takes that long to score scan tron sheets...


Patty said...

I bet you did better than you thought! My fingers are crossed for you!!

Cosentinox3 said...

hopefully my dream will be true and we'll get the results early